Secondary courses

Pearson English secondary courses bring top quality content with authentic BBC material, thorough exam preparation and unique multimedia components.We want to inspire and motivate 21st century teenagers for success now and in the future. 

Light Up

Light Up highly supports the fact that learning a language is a unique and personal experience for every single student. Providing students with a variety of learning environments that may open up a whole new world of opportunities: appealing to different learning styles and catering for individual needs can definitely facilitate their language acquisition.


Wider World 2nd Edition

New edition of Pearson’s most popular mid-secondary course. Prearing teenagers for their life ahead by giving them the skills they need to enjoy their social lives, pursue their studies and succeed in their career.          



Imaginarium is our new K-9 program centered around Literacy, Learning, and Life Skills that integrates excellent hard skills, Print Literacy and Digital Literacy Reading Program, alongside soft skills development of Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Citizenship, and Character Skills.


Hashtag English

Hashtag English is a six-level course for lower-and upper-secondary students. Today's youth have never known a world without technology and are therefore considered socially aware, engaged with global events, and potential agents for change in a world that is constantly renewing itself.


Look Wide

Look Wide, Think Wide, Learn WideLookWide is a 4-level series for 11 to 15-year-olds with a unique perspective and combination of education, culture and language for 21st Century students. Accessibility, flexibility and compliance with Curricular requirements are other key values that add to make Look Wide the ideal choice for our Secondary School students.


iSucceed in English

Featuring highly captivating content unique to any Pearson secondary course, including videos, games and quizzes, iSucceed in English uses an inspiring learning framework built on the UN Sustainable Development Goals to engage and motivate teenage learners.


Focus Second Edition

Unique vocabulary-building program with the 3Ms methodology enhanced with BBC video content and thorough Use of English preparation, to enable teacher and student success.


High Note

High Note is a dynamic and intensive course for upper-secondary students that bridges the gap between school reality and young adult life.